Letter: ‘Breaking news’ and its misuse | VailDaily.com – Vail Daily - Buzz Trend News Updates


Letter: ‘Breaking news’ and its misuse | VailDaily.com – Vail Daily

More often than not these days, my morning boot-up of the Vail Daily website sees me greeted with a large red box stating: “BREAKING NEWS!” After the brief jolt of adrenaline that comes with this unexpected alert subsides, I continue on to read headlines stating that “Mikaela Shiffrin has finished third in World Cup Finals!” or something to that effect.

While it’s great that we get to call such a decorated athlete a local, I am not sure that this warrants the use of the special BREAKING NEWS bulletin. Mikaela’s successes and failures are, in fact, not breaking news to anyone other than herself and her team. Please save breaking news alerts for situations that are related to public safety and national/worldwide events of significance. We recently had a major pile-up in Glenwood Canyon that closed westbound traffic for hours — and what was the BREAKING NEWS alert at the time of this event? “Mikaela Shiffrin Wins Shocking Work Cup Finals!”

The Vail Daily can do better.

Charles Morgue


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